About Us

Inspiration is the mother of all true learning. It sparks the willingness within our minds to pursue what we always want to be. Pursuing goals required deliberated efforts marked with regular persistence. Persistence comes when we put all our energy in the right direction! 

All of us wants to be successful in life. But unfortunately, we sometimes waste our energy in the wrong direction. A student always wants to excel, but somewhere down the line he/she do not get the right path. That’s where we will help you!

The basic ideology behind setting this blog to share rich & meaningful articles to our readers. We have tried to touch every aspect of from where all our readers could learn something valuable. It was during our college days when we have decided to share what we have learned & experienced to the world. Our aim is not just to share articles, but to share such articles which would bring value to our readers. Because we believe that value always translates into learning!

Join us here on Digital Floor! Where there will be no one, except you & learning…

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