13 August, 2020

Why Dutch withdrawn their ideas to rule India

 The advent of Dutch to discover other routes to trade had started during the 1530s when commercial enterprise led the Dutch to undertake voyages to the East of Europe. Gradually they reached Sumatra & Bantam by early 1600s.

In 1602, the East India company of Netherlands officially came into existence. The set their first factory in Musulipatam (Andhra) in the year 1605. From there, the Dutch conquest took place. Now they started signing treaties & or able to get permission from Indian rulers for setting up factories at various parts.

The period from 1610 to 1663 witnessed the Dutch colonial power & naval supremacy to its peak. During the same period, they were able to obtain strategic positions like Pullicat, Surat, Patna & Cochin.

However, in between the same period, they stated facing severe opposition from other Europeans as well. The British supremacy became a major threat to Dutch’s interests. As a result, rivalry started between two. Both the powers fought at Amboyna (Indonesia) for many years. Finally, in the year 1667, both agreed to compromise & the Dutch got Indonesia.

In the year 1693, they attracted French base in Pondicherry & captured it. However, Treaty of Ryswick (1697) restored Pondicherry again to French.

Now, Dutch have started taking more interest in Indonesia & region around because of its rich spices. The Dutch were able to earn huge profits from trading such spices to European markets. In short, Indonesia had become their strategic area.

However, at the same time, they tried to oppose or to suppress the Britishers. For the same reason, they have created a temporary alliance with Mir Jafar (Nawab of Bengal) & attached British camps at Hooghly. This stated war between Dutch & British (The Battle of Hooghly, 1759)

The war with English proved to be a serious setback for Dutch. They realized from such defeat that, it is not feasible to oppose Britishers (who have a political interest in India). Since then, The Dutch were concerned about trade only from India & gave up all motives to build an empire. They focused on Indonesia.

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