14 August, 2020

Let's Live Ourselves!

We all have been brought up by listening to the lectures about leading a good, prosperous, hassle-free and happy life, but do we really follow anyone of them? Right from our childhood, we all have been taught to be polite and helpful to everyone, but do we really are?

Sometimes we feel like to help someone, to talk to someone, but we couldn’t.
What is the thing which holds us to do so? After so many experiences, I came towards only one answer. It is the ego which holds us. Everyone have the same heart, which almost same emotions but still, we are having conflicts with each other.

Ego is a small word with only three letters of English, yet it is so powerful that it creates differences between the most beautiful creation of God on this Planet. People stop talking to their loved ones, friends just because they have this little feeling of anxiety embedded in their hearts.

So, what’s the solution of this? How this so-called “ego” can be forgotten from the hearts. The only thing we have to do is to smile, just smile and initiate.

It actually makes things a lot easier. When you smile, it makes yourself more approachable for others. Others feel comfortable and they might encourage themselves to talk to you, just by seeing you smile.

They might also come to you and may solve all those misunderstanding and Grudges which you both might be having in your hearts from a long time. When you meet them or see them, just smile.

Life is full of unpredictable happenings. Do not make it worst by complexing and messing things in your mind & hearts.

If you are having some issues with anyone, talk to them directly. Initiate first, listen to them and even if you are not coming to a conclusion (Point), still the argument is going on, then say sorry. What is the issue in saying sorry, even if you have done nothing wrong?

Ask yourself what is more important, your so-called “EGO” or “THAT PERSON”?

If the answer is “that person” then there should not be any problem in apologizing to them, even if you have done nothing wrong.

I have seen many people saying that, why I apologise? That wasn’t my fault. That person should talk to me first and the cycle goes on. It is the ego which forces them to do so. Only thing comes to my mind in such situation is that why people cannot initiate first keeping all those grudge and ego aside for a while.

All it takes is a beautiful smile and a sorry and that person will be yours once again. See, it is that simple!

Try this once, it actually works. Keep your ego aside for a while and initiate. Soon you will observe that you have started living even single moments too. 💙

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